Enterprise 2.0 and Intranet 1.0: How two problem children can benefit from each other

Frank Wolf —  19. November 2009 — 4 Comments

As promised the slides from my Intranet 2.0 workshop at the Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Frankfurt last week. Talking about classical intranets at an Enterprise 2.0 conference means for me talking about two „problem children“. Enterprise 2.0 is promising a lot and still struggles to prove its inevitableness for companies to survive in quickly changing environments. There had been many discussions and questions at the summit about measurable and intangible benefits and the right use cases for social applications within the enterprise.  Classical intranets on the other hand are in many cases a real disappointment for their promoters, because the substantial investments in the application and an (mostly central) editing infrastructure did often not create a vibrant information and communication platform but a rather static electronic newspaper.

An Intranet 2.0 means that both join forces and put their strengths together – the intranet as an existing, accepted and budgeted (!) information platform and Enterprise 2.0 as very compelling approach to move from a one2many communication to a highly interactive conversation and collaboration platform. Four good reasons to join forces:

  • Web 2.0 features are on every intranet managers agenda
  • “Cost of Doing Business” vs. ROI
  • Many “given” use cases to start with
  • Smooth way to Enterprise 2.0

This sounds promising but is just a start – open points remain:

  • CMS or a Social Business Suite or an integration of both as technical platform? (see the last slides for a first approach)
  • Is structure still required (I think yes) or are search and tagging sufficient?
  • Is there still a need for complex editing work-flows within companies? (most of the participants said „No“)
  • Do intranets still require multiple design templates to achieve a newspaper-like layout or is a blog-like design sufficient?

Looks like we are not running out of topics to cover here at besser20 🙂

Thanks to all participants for their active participation and the interesting discussion!

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  1. links for 2009-11-19 « Ex Orbite - 20. November 2009

    […] Enterprise 2.0 and Intranet 1.0: How two problem childs can benefit from each other | Besser 2.0 (tags: t-systems confluence example intranet intranet2.0) […]

  2. Ein frohes neues Jahr 2010! | Besser 2.0 - 5. Januar 2010

    […] software apps”. Gerade Punkt 3 haben wir hier ja schon in einigen Artikeln über das Intranet 2.0 angesprochen und können dem nur beipflichten.  In 5 Jahren fragt dann also keiner mehr […]

  3. Brainsfeed - Intelligence Stratégique et Veille - 6. Januar 2010

    Entreprise 2.0 contre Intranet 1.0…

    Frank Wolf, consultant chez T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, a participé au recent Enterprise 2.0 Summit, au cours duquel il a présenté sa vision de l’entreprise 2.0. A la suite de cette présentation, il a publié ses slides sur Slideshare et sur son bl…

  4. Social Intranet Buch erscheint im November | Besser 2.0 - 7. November 2011

    […] für das Kerngeschäft. Wir haben dieses Thema ja schon früh in unserem Blog aufgegriffen und ab 2009 immer wieder diesen Trend beschrieben. Mit dem Buch wollen wir den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion darstellen und haben erst beim […]

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